AGRA: The UP police on Wednesday nabbed the third and last key accused in the Swadheen Bharat Subhash Sena-led violence in Mathura on June 2 that left 29 dead.
After his arrest from the Balajipuram, Viresh Yadav, the Sena's 'chief security officer', told cops that one of those imparting combat training to the cult members was an RSS man known as Rajveer Singh. Yadav said Singh trained the "satyagrahis" to use lathis and dandas. Cops told TOI that they were yet to verify this.
SSP (Mathura) Babloo Kumar said, "Yadav also said that cult leader Ram Vriksh had formed an outfit comprising two dozen youths who had been tasked with countering the police in event of an eviction attempt."
The RSS spokesperson in Agra said he wasn't aware of any leader called Rajveer Singh. "The Samajwadi Party is trying to publicise such baseless allegations to defame the RSS," he said.
"Yadav also claims followers donated gold to Ram Vriksh Yadav and around 15-20 kg was collected," the SSP said.