Bangalore: On Monday morning, the city traffic police took up a special drive in eight localities in the city to catch errant autorickshaws that demand exorbitant fare and refuse to ply. The cops, in the guise of commuters, seized 408 autorikshaws between 5.30 am and 9.30 am from Chikpet, Upparpet, City Market, Magadi Road, Vijayanagar, Byatarayanapura, Kamakshipalya and Kengeri. The highest number of 100 autos were seized in Chikpet.
The drive, now a regular initiative of the city traffic police squad, involved a lot of planning, according to the police.
"We were cautious about not letting the auto drivers know that we were cops. We also needed to plan to identify the spot where we could actually nab the driver because if there is always a chance of another auto driver seeing it and that could set an alarm for the other drivers," DCP Traffic West S Girish said.
The initiative of conducting the raid was taken up following the complaints raised by the people on Facebook page and the Twitter handle of Bengaluru Traffic Police.
The additional commissioner of police (traffic) R Hitendra gave orders to conduct the raid on Monday morning.
The raid was planned three days ago and around 150 police officials participated in seizing the autos of drivers who refused to hire, demanded excess fare and had no display cards.
A traffic police official said, "We should have more of such drives to discipline the unlawful auto drivers. Most such drivers are at fault as they are violators of people's right to travel. They are arrogant and have forgotten their duties. A few also cheat by putting up faulty meters."