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Heavy rain falls in Al Buraimi

Sun, 17 Jul 2016 16:27:55    Times of Oman

MuscatHeavy rain fell in Al Burami governorate on Sunday afternoon, a weather enthusiast said quoting the residents.

“Heavy rain has fallen in the Wilayat of Mahdha in the Al Buraimi Governorate, said Bader Ali Al Baddaei, an administrator of, a local web-based forum that discusses weather in Oman.

Oman meteorological department has also predicted thunderstorms in some parts of the Sultanate on Sunday.

Clouds in the Dhofar region and Al Hajar Mountains will cause intermittent drizzle and fog formation, according to its recent weather forecast.

The department added that clear to partly cloudy skies are expected over the rest of the Sultanate with chances of convective clouds developing with isolated rain and occasional thunder showers over Al Hajar Mountains and the adjacent wilayats during the afternoon.
