Chennai: A judge from the Madras High Court warned women about how they use WhatsApp when chatting with friends and in groups. He said that women should be ‘careful’ about the photos they post on their display profile on WhatsApp and the photos they share with friends and on WhatsApp groups.
In a recent incident a youth allegedly abducted and raped a minor girl, then shot a video of the entire activity and threatened to upload it to WhatsApp. The case is being heard in a High Court in Madras, where the judge refused to give anticipatory bail to the accused.
According to prosecution, the father of the girl had filed a complaint stating that her daughter was missing from May 1. Later it was found that one Ajith had abducted and raped the 16-year-old and photographed and videographed it and threatened her that he will upload it on WhatsApp. He allegedly forced her to have physical relationship with his friends, threatening her. The girl, however, escaped from his clutches.
She was produced before the Judicial Magistrate III, Erode, before whom she gave a statement under Section 164 CrPC that she escaped from his clutches and with the help of public she reached her native place and gave a complaint to police.
Justice S Vaidyanathan of the Madrasw HC said that "considering the facts and circumstances of the case and also taking note of the heinous offence committed by the accused, this court is not inclined to grant the relief sought by the petitioner".
"This court also observes that cyber crimes, that too through WhatsApp are increasing day-by-day. Though good messages are also shared through WhatsApp, instances like this are quite common nowadays", he said.
"Technological advancement should be a boon and should not be a bane to the existing peaceful living of the mankind. Therefore, WhatsApp users, especially women, need to be more careful before placing a picture as their profile photo and sharing their photos to their friends or to other WhatsApp groups, as prevention is better than cure", the judge said.