Mangaluru: The Vittal police have been successful in arresting six inter-state thieves who were involved in the theft of arecanut bags, after feeding the house dogs with poison in Vittal and Bantwal region for the last one year.
According to a press release, the arrested are Barik (32) and Jubair (23) of Kolnad, Basheer alias Radukatte Basheer (25), Ashraf alias Asru (19) and Saifuddin alias Saifu (19) of Vitla Padnoor, and Jabeer (26) of Ira. The police have seized two cars, one pick-up vehicle, one autorickshaw, 1,500-kg arecanut and a stolen cattle. The value of the total confiscated property is Rs 20 lakh.
There are 19 cases against Basheer in different police stations in Dakshina Kannada, Kasargod and Manjeshwar. The Vittal police had arrested him in Gujarat, on charges of sexually assaulting a minor girl, however, he was released on bail seven months ago. Barik was a history-sheeter and involved in several criminal activities. Jabir was involved in vehicle theft cases in Manjeshwar in Kasargod.
The superintendent of police has announced cash prize of Rs 10,000 to the police team which was successful in nabbing the culprits.