Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kerjiwal on Tuesday lashed at the Centre for “targeting” him after the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) on Monday registered an FIR in the alleged water tank ‘scam’ of Delhi Jal Board (DJB) and said it will question him.
Addressing a press conference in Delhi on Tuesday, Kejriwal attacked PM Modi, calling it a one-on-one “fight” between them.
“By conducting raid against me and targeting me, it’s clear that the fight is between you (PM Modi) and me,” said Kejriwal.
Earlier on Monday, the ACB registered an FIR in the alleged Rs 400-crore water tanker ‘scam’ of Delhi Jal Board (DJB) and said it will question “both” Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and former chief minister Sheila Dikshit in the case if required.
Talking about the CBI raid against him six months back, Kejriwal said that FIR is another such “futile and fraudulent” attempt “to scare” him.
“The CBI wasted six months and found nothing against me to prove me guilty of anything. It is waste of money. Even this FIR is another such attempt. Modiji trapped many leaders with the CBI raid strategy. He doesn’t scare me though,” Kejriwal said.
Questioning the motive behind the CBI raids, Kejriwal asked why no such action was taken against Vadra, Sonia and Rahul Gandhi.
“No CBI raid was conducted against Robert Vadra, Rahul Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi, no FIR was registered against them,” he said.
Kejriwal also criticised the Centre for opening up FDI in defence calling it a threat to national security.
“I will not stay silent when Modiji has opened FDI in defence selling the security to foreign hands,” he said.