Lucknow: In a shameful incident, four policemen posted at an important intersection in Lucknow were caught on camera fighting on Sunday. They were allegedly fighting over bribes collected from the local street vendors.
In the video, two of the policemen are seen raining blows on each other, pushing, pulling and jostling. Two others are seen trying to break up the fight but it is impossible to pull apart the combatants. They even take up their lathis but fail to prevail. Later they were joined by a fifth policeman, a senior officer, who also tried to break up the fight.
Policeman Virendra Yadav has been suspended. According to a PTI report, Yadav had a fight with the homeguard over clearing the traffic jam and not sharing bribes.
"This is not true at all. Moreover the video is nearly two-three days old," Saini said.
A letter has been written to Homeguard directorate seeking action against the homeguard, Superintendent of Police Manjil Saini said.