Bengaluru: Several parts of Uttara Kannada district received moderate rains on Monday. While it drizzled for the whole day in Karwar, there were reports of intermittent rains in Bhatkal, Honnavar, Ankola, Kumta, Sirsi and Siddapur.
In the past 24 hours, the district recorded 147 mm of rains, with Karwar registering 70.2 mm of rainfall.
Meanwhile, As much as 1.91 lakh cusecs of water was released from the Almatti reservoir on Monday as the dam filled to the brim. Water is being released from all the 26 gates of the dam for the first time in the past two years.
The inflow from Rajapur barrage into River Krishna came down on Monday as rains receded in Konkan and southern Maharashtra regions.
Seven low-lying bridges and roads that had submerged in the river waters opened for road traffic, while six continued to remain submerged in Belagavi district.
Water level in Hidkal dam reached 2126.08 feet while Malaprabha dam had 2046.05 feet of water.
The Kodagu district experienced scanty rainfall on Monday. In the last 24 hours, the district received an average of 4.31 mm rainfall.