An undercover operation led to the arrest of a man who claimed to have ability to treat incurable diseases and solving personal problems.
Dubai Police have arrested the African suspect on charges of fraud and using black magic in hotel and public places.
Major Omer Bin Hamad, the Deputy Director of General Department of Criminal Investigation, said that the police received information about an African using black magic in hotels and public places in order to fraud people.
The police set a trap and a undercover police told the suspect that he was sick and having problems in his work. The suspect asked the undercover police to pay Dh7,000 to buy the materials that he will use it in doing the magic.
He told the cop that he has no place of his own and asked him to meet in a hotel. The undercover agent booked a room and met the accused at the hotel.
The suspect started to do his 'magic' and claimed he was talking with jiin. The police team who accompanied the undercover agent arrested him while he was receiving the money.
However, he denied practising magic on his arrest and the police transferred him to the Dubai Public Prosecution.