Bhatkal: Office-bearers of Kannada Sahitya Parishad taluk unit submitted a memorandum to the chief minister through tahsildar V N Badkar in Bhatkal on Thursday, demanding that ‘One teacher, one class', policy must be introduced and the process of identification and redeployment off excess teachers must be dropped immediately.
Terming the process as unscientific, they questioned how was it possible to provide quality education if the government gave facilities like Mid-Day meals, uniforms, text books etc to government schools and not appointing a teacher.
They said that the policy of having one-teacher for 30 students in schools in urban areas and one teacher for ten students in rural areas is not scientific. They alleged that this indicates at a conspiracy of destroying Kannada language and closing down Kannada medium schools.
Apart from this, physical education and art teachers must be appointed. A first division assistant, on outsourced basis, must be appointed for clerical work in every school.The government must utilize the space available near the schools and develop playground.
Kannada Sahitya Parishad Bhatkal unit president Gangadhar Naik, other members Dr Zamirullah Shareef, Dr RV Saraf, Manasouta, Nazeer Kashimji, Muneer and many others were present.