Bengaluru: In a shocking incident, a 13-year-old boy hanged himself at his residence in Banashankari II Stage on Wednesday after being reprimanded by his parents for not attending school.
Chandrashekhar, son of Venkatesh, a labourer, was studying in the fifth standard in a private school but would bunk school and remain at home when his parents went away to work. Recently when his father came to know that he had not attended school for many days and questioned him, Chandrashekhar told him that he was not interested in studies. His father displeased by his attitude, scolded him and told him that he must attend the school or else would be punished.
A depressed Chandrashekhar on Wednesday hanged himself from the ceiling of the house using a veil after his parents went to work and nobody was home. The incident came to light when his sister returned home from school.
The Banashankari police rushed to the spot and shifted the body for post-mortem.