Panaji: Goa Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar today said the Mahadayi Water Disputes Tribunal has rejected Karnataka's plea to divert 7.56 TMC water from the Mahadayi basin to Malaprabha river and termed it as an "important decision for the bright future of Goa".
"Mahadayi Water Disputes Tribunal, in its oral interim order passed today, rejected Karnataka's plea to divert 7.56 TMC water from Mahadayi basin to Malaprabha river. We have won the battle, but war lies ahead," Parsekar told reporters today after tribunal gave its order in New Delhi today," he said.
"Our advocate and additional solicitor general Atmaram Nadkarni has done good study and research over the issue. I congratulate him and also the state water resources department officers. This is an important decision for the bright future of Goa," Parsekar added.
Goa Forest Minister Rajendra Arlekar said, "I am very happy that our contention has been upheld by the tribunal. This interim order will give sanctity to our fight," he said.
Parsekar said Goa government's demand not to allow the diversion of Mahadayi river water is legitimate and in the interest of Goan and people from Karnataka.
Mahadayi Water Tribubal has been hearing the petition filed by Goa against Maharashtra and Karnataka against the diversion of water.
The coastal state (Goa) has contested that diversion would adversely affect the ecology.