Mangaluru: The NGT has imposed a penalty of Rs 25-lakh on the Fishmeal and Oil Manufacturing Association and fine of Rs 5 lakh each on nine units and Rs 8 lakh on five units, the order stated.
Units on whom penalty of Rs 5 lakh has been imposed are Indian Fish Meal and Oil Products, S N Marine Products, Indo Fish Meal Co, Super Aqua Tech, Mangaluru Marine Products, Ullal Fish Meal and Oil Co, Mangaluru Fish Meal and Oil Co, Bawa Fish Meal and Oil Co; and Marine Products. Units to pay Rs 8-lakh fine are Fahad Fish Meal and Oil Co, Mangaluru Fish Meal and Oil Co, United Marine Products., Mangaluru Sea Products, and Haris Marina Products.
The NGT (Single Bench)and imposed penalty under polluter pay principle and directed the errant units to pay the penalty to Environment Relief Fund established under National Green Tribunal Act, 2010 within a month from date of the judgment.
The National Green Tribunal (NGT), Chennai bench has imposed fine on fish meal units in Ullal following a complaint by Mohammed Kabir, resident of Ullal.
It is learnt that Mohammad had filed an application before the Chennai bench of NGT against M/s Indian Fish Meal and Oil Products and 14 other units for violating the Rules under Coastal Regulation Zone and causing water Pollution and Air Pollution (Smell Nuisance).