New Delhi (FE): In another tragic incident, some members of Hindu Dal thrashed two Muslim women for allegedly carrying beef, in Mandsaur district of BJP-ruled Madhya Pradesh on Wednesday. Taking cognizance of the incident, Madhya Pradesh Home Minister, Bhupender Singh said that government will take strict action against the culprits who have tried to take the law in their hands. The incident including the beating of the dalit youth in Somnath of Gujarat for allegedly transporting beef has created ruckus in the Rajya Sabha as MPs stormed the well. “Two women were arrested yesterday. The veterinary report stated that prima facie it was found to be buffalo meat. No one should take the law in their hands. If report comes from the women, we will take action against those who have tried to take the law in their hands,” said Singh.
A mobile video of the incident showed that the mob was shouting “Gau Mata Ki Jai” while abused and thrashed the women and Police became a mere spectator as they were unable to stop the crowd. Sources in Police said that they have recovered 30 kg of meat from the women. A local doctor who examined the meat, said it was not beet but buffallo’s meat, claimed the police. Police is yet to arrest the culprits but the women have been charged as they did not have any permit to sell any type of meat.
The crowd gathered near also remained mere spectator of the event as no one came to the rescue of the women. Atrocities against the dalits and Muslims have become a main issue for the opposition parties to corner the government. These incidents have stalled the proceedings of Parliament many times.