Bhatkal: Police are looking into the possibility of deliberate and organised attempts being mounted to disrupt communal harmony in Bhatkal after a plastic bag of meat was found inside the Nag bana temple at Kogti Nagar. Previously, the same type of incidents have occured at temples at Old bus stand and Hanuman Nagar respectively. But no arrest have been made in this connection so far. Many Hindu outfits have staged protest demanding the arrest of the miscreants.
Karavali Munjavu, a famous Kannada newspaper, has reported that a person has been taken into custody in connection to this incident. The person, whose name has not yet been disclosed is said to be an auto driver by profession.
As per the news report, the driver used to buy meat from the market and deposit it at a house at Muglihonda.
If sources are to be believed, the police had come to know about the said person, roaming near the meat market, a day before the temple incident on July 16.
Upon further investigation, the police found out that the driver has not delivered the meat packet to the house at Muglihonda on the day of the temple incident. It is also said that the butcher has recognised the plastic bag belonging to his own shop.
The police are said to be interrogating the driver about the motives and involvement of any organisation behind this act. When contacted, DySP Anoop Kumar Shetty said that a team compiled by Zilla SP is looking into the investigation and he is not in a position to say anything related to the case.