Mangaluru: In two separate incidents, City Crime Branch (CCB) police arrested four people in connection with gambling and recovered cash and valuables worth Rs 1.59 lakh on Monday. The arrested have been identified as Rathan Kumar (46), Yathish (45), Suresh Achary (44), Dharmapal Shetty (60).
Sources in CCB police informed that in the first incident, Rathan Kumar was found collecting money from the public in a hotel room in city. On information, CCB police rushed to the spot and nabbed Rathan Kumar and seized cash and a motorcycle, total worth Rs 94,000.
In the second incident, three persons namely Yathish, Suresh and Dharmapal were found gambling at Manngudda Gurji junction. Police seized cash and a motorcycle, total value estimated at around Rs 65,000 from their possession.